The Voyage of the Velvet Starship

The Voyage of the Velvet Starship
The Voyage of the Velvet Starship

Friday, August 28, 2015


It is profound to look and see the beauty that surrounds us! After returning from Colorado for a family reunion, I was amazed at the beauty of the desert landscape.  Yes it is completely different from Colorado, yet the unique and complex terrain is soul provoking. When we look deep within the objects we see there is a beauty that is open to all that go within! How can these plants survive in 110' degree heat. Their beauty lies in there WILL to survive! They have that look of water saturation that they hold onto, They resource for living goes deep. Can we learn from these textural beauties? They have incredible surfaces and defense systems to keep them alive. And as an Artist, I relish their beauty because of their uniqueness! The shades of green, the prickly needles and rough edges, are so very cool. But then you have so many trees that are wispy and flowing with air.....occasional blasts of color are there!
I am saying look deeper and always never loose a chance to discover the inner beauty that surrounds us!
It can happen in an instant!
Where is our resource for living a fruitful and meaningful life?