The Voyage of the Velvet Starship

The Voyage of the Velvet Starship
The Voyage of the Velvet Starship

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Love is a many splendered thing! Sunday 4/9/11

I have seen you in the mountains of earth and coal
I have known you from the singing of the happy whippoorwill sitting on my post
I know your voice in the wind and the sweet kiss of wine on your lips
I feel your heart beating against mine
You are that essence of        innocence and erotic tenderness       no man can resist
Wishing for completeness in the dirt and depth of your soul
Yet fighting the growth of fear to believe she is herself a passenger
on a rough sea stuck    weathered    tossed    and formed by the sea and earth below
She will struggle and live a full and complete live as the sirens call our for redemption,  knowing that
perfect love casts out fear and     fear      is the enemy of growth and happiness
let their song be gone from you
Your arms will catch her as she stands up in that twisted vessel
For Love's song must be found in     you first     so you may love another
I see her now free from the things that nail her wounded and sick from her past     Don't hold back dear one  


if chosen in the deep and weathered boat     set sail    stand with arms outstretched      sails      lifted high
with sorrow and gratitude a woman of profound dimension finding her dreams come true
Wet dreams and confusion     hope     but you will be OK
as a bird of coal set free to sing the love song of meaning and life sustaining vision of the muddy water that held you back from the earth your friend
Walk proud and humble before your God       for He has made a life for you and you will find the song deep within you
in the chains that bind you. Spread your wings and fly
and be free!

Lay down my love beside the babbling brook and listen

Freedom is at hand!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Life in the fast lane

Today was a wonderful day.  Played golf with my father at 85 years old.  Man, I hope I can walk when I am that age.  what a short game he still has.  Played with a couple of nice guys.  Golf is such a rich experience. Value in all that you breath in and feel.  Maybe the reason I love golf so much is it slows down my crazy life for a few hours.  I don't know.  But, the sense of peace and excitement I feel when I step on the first tee, I don't know just so hard to explain.  A thrill..  That is it.  What will happen today.  Despite some injury and letdown in my own life today,    I knew it was coming,     I went for it.  What gives you the strength to carry on?  Is it another glass of wine or another piece of  creme brulee?  I find myself in the fast lane too much.  Always it seems taking on much more and having so much to do.  Balls floating in the air.  Hundred projects possible?  Do they all come in or none at all. SLOW DOWN AND BREATH.  The mountain air.  Nocci's little purrs and sihys.  All the tender, and heart opening gifts from the giver of life and art.  Help us to open ourselves up, to quiet down the     race of time      and all it's obligations. Like walking down the green slopes of the mountains above Assisi stick in hand,  meandering and stopping  and catching the wind through the trees and      knowing God was with us every step of the way        and we did not have to change lanes or stop for any one.  We were free    above the clouds    into the clouds, of the Holy city, throwing buckets of paint in the air!.  God bless!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I feel the voice of the wind whispering and howling through the pines!

Today is Friday and I just got back from the mountains in all of its glory. Looking at a beautiful home with incredible potential and serenity..... So incredible to be so close to the wind high up   touching the clouds    with birds swooping and rocketing into the air.  In the past several days a word and phrase has been swallowing me up in every step I take.  They say when God speaks to you He starts with a whisper and finally if you are away He starts to yell.  God is patient with all of us, because He loves us I suspect.  Certainly I know I don't deserve his attention.  There is a scripture that says from Romans that "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God     and a another     from Ephesians Don't walk in the vanity of your mind, with your understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in the world, because of the blindness of their heart".  So, who is this NEW MAN and NEW MIND He speaks of?  Growth, Freedom, Lack of fear, Letting go of old injuries like car wrecks, Trust, Loving when it is difficult, Jumping off the ledge deep into the turquoise water deep and healing?  I want to fly with my art and my purpose driven life.  Trust in the Holy One.  Ground yourself         in the wet clay     feeling his strength and purpose.  All things have a season and a purpose.  I know one thing is for sure, I want to keep my hands in paint no matter what and for whatever purpose it may bring because I know in "my gut" that I am serving Him when I do and I soar with eagles wings diving and allowing the wind to carry my heart and soul to freedom and comfort. Please oh God help me to trust in you, don't let me look down and fall into the deep waters without your support.  Give me a new mind that I may create and allow my life to soar and live with unquestionable belief that      you will always be there       unconditionally my Love and Songbird above the howling winds of this world.  If there is a blind spot, please show me and give me the grace to see it and follow its power and reclaim my innocence. Help me to know your will.  Have a great weekend Grace, L, C, and my fellow hawks singing a song of praise as we glide free above the troubles of this world!